Dive into a new way of living

The Ambassador’s Suites

The Ambassador’s Suites is an organization that matches future residents to each other and turns them into groups of residents to realize buildings based on the wishes of the future residents. For each resident group that we realize, we do this on the basis of a number of core values ​​so that we can realize a next generation of living and working. Where you become an ambassador of a new way of living with a luxury hotel experience. 

We have made models that invite a new way of living — where you can enjoy services on demand and a 24/7 reception at your disposal, or opt-out of services whenever you want. Every apartment complex will be made with facilities based on the needs of the future residents giving you the possibility to shape the apartment complex you and other residents want to live in. State-of-the-art amenities and facilities save you the time, money and hassle of running around town, freeing your time to start living like never before. Since every apartment complex comes fully equipped with everything you need for daily living right on site, they become relaxed islands in an urban environment; your oasis in city life.  

Models that combine innovation, personalization and sustainibility

The building models of Ambassador’s Suites are selected and shape by the wishes of the residents and the models below should be seen as a basis on which as many adjustments as possible can be made to realize the ideal building for each resident group. With the Ambassador’s Suites configurator the future residents are in control to configure their own apartment and the amenities in the hub to tailor it to their needs and wishes. After the configurator is filled in we make a match between likeminded future residents to create sustainable communities. 


Saba is an apartment complex that emphasizes light with roof-top terraces and seamlessly blending into the environment with it sleek design. Saba is the smallest model with only one floor that can easily integrate into urban or rural environments. This model is perfect for small communities or families/friends that want to live together.

Suitable for: 4 to 39 Apartments
Advisable for: Small communities, company employees, friends and/or family living together. 


Aruba features the roof-top terraces on every floor that emphasizes light during all types of weather. They give an added sense of privacy from neighbors while preserving private outdoor space. Aruba consist out of three floors and with the size can fit perfect for urban and rural environments.  

Suitable for:  19 to 79 Apartments
Advisable for:Small communities or housing corporations


Bonaire has over-hanging balconies on every floor that will keep you dry during all types of weather and the top floor has a rooftop balcony for all the residents. Featuring more facilities compared to the other apartment complexes and more suited for bigger cities or dense urban environments and can stand alone or fit easily between buildings.

Suitable for: 19 to 79+ apartments.
Advisable for:  Large communities or housing corporations and companies that want to house their employees. 

Renovations possibilities

The Ambassador’s Suites approach can also be chosen for renovations in existing buildings or when it is possible to build on top of specific structures. In some cases it is also more sustainable to realize a residential community in existing buildings and the process of building can also be accelerated. When renovating, we want to recycle as much as possible so that the most sustainable approach is chosen. In the configurator it is possible to load an existing building and configure it from there. In this way, we make existing buildings even more sustainable and social by transforming them into residential communities that can make a positive contribution to the environment.

Powered by technology

From the configuration of the apartment complexes, to the selling, building, implementing and actual use of the services in every apartment complex everything will be powered by technology. With a data driven approach that will reduce costs, make it more personalized for the residents and save time in all the processes. In the beginning the configuration and building will be done through building management systems. The future residents will be matched via our configurator and their wishes will be used to personalize every apartment complex. Via the Ambassador’s Suites app the residents can with one press on a button opt-in or opt-out to certain amenities that can be delivered on demand in the apartment complexes. The focus is on using technology to tailor the wishes of the residents but there is always a possibility to have a personal approach over the phone to the reception or in person.

Partner with Ambassador’s Suites

The combination of different facilities allows us to work well with various companies that want to provide their services to the Ambassador’s Suites or integrate them into the buildings. The Ambassador’s Suites approach is also suitable for existing buildings by tailoring our software and units. By partnering with the Ambassador’s Suites we can fit companies in every process of our organization or software. Easily upgrade existing buildings or give an individualized touch to new projects. From housing corporations to mobility companies we can deliver optimized results that will enhance any project.

Inside the Ambassador’s suites

In the configurator you can opt for a physical or digital reception. Depending on the size of the building, there could be a large hall with benches to wait and more. This can all be determined in the configurator and can thus be adjusted to the wishes of the residents.

Shared community spaces or facilities

In addition to a digital or physical reception, the configurator offers more than 30 different options for shared facilities. This varies from shared workplaces to electric vehicles. Due to the framework of the building, certain facilities can also be easily adapted when they are no longer needed in the course of time or the wishes of the residents have changed.

Impression appartment

This example is the design and layout of the studio version. Every apartment can be modified to the needs of the future residents, there are a few basic necessities that every apartment has like a bedroom, shower, toilet and living room but this can be modified on demand. Every apartment will be planned and designed with the wishes and needs in mind of the future residents. There are a couple of different apartment layouts which can be changed on demand. These four models are examples how the units can be customized. It’s possible to change the layout of the apartment that fits your need with our configurator.


    • 29,1 m2 total space 
    • 1 bedroom + glass shower 
    • 1 living room with small kitchen
    • separate toilet


    • 58,2 m2 total space
    • 29,1 m2 balcony
    • 1 or 2 bedrooms with glass showers 
    • 1 living room with small kitchen 
    • 2 separate toilets


    • 72,75 m2 total space
    • 2 or 3 bedrooms
    • 1 bedroom with glass shower
    • 1 living room with small kitchen
    • 1 separate bathroom
    • 2 separate toilets


    • 87,30 m2 total space
    • 58,20 m2 rooftop balcony
    • 1 living room with small kitchen
    • 2 bedrooms
    • separate shower
    • 2 separate toilets

Contact Ambassador’s Suites

Are you interested in living in these apartment complexes or partnering with Ambassador’s Suites, fill in our contact form and we will sent you more information about our company. We can also help you in visualizing and realizing your dreams if you want to start your own apartment complex. 

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